Wicked Fast 5K & 10K
Sub-events Details
Volunteer: 2022 Wicked Fast 5K
Continuing the Halloween 5K tradition here in Tacoma we have added a 10k distance to the event! The Wicked Fast 5K & 10k registration will include t-shirts and Halloween themed medals that are sure to scare the daylights out of you!
This flat and fast 5K & 10K course features Tacoma's beautiful waterfront with 1 out and back. So you’ll get lots of opportunities to scare your friends. Once you turn back on to the Water Walk at the Giant Octopus Mural you’ll have a frightfully flat and fast jaunt back to Dune Peninsula Park where Frank Herberts Spice Worm statue art will be waiting for you. ~ Dune the Movie
The Kids 1K Run will begin at the sane start finish as the 5K & 10k and run around Dune Peninsula Park and back through the finish line!
Halloween costumes are not required, but STRONGLY encouraged and you could just win a prize! The costume contest will be at 10:30 AM at the finish line area. We’ll do an adults contest and a kids contest with prizes for both!