Seaside Santa Dash
Sub-events Details
10K Seaside Santa Dash
Elf Dash - kids 10U
Elf Dash - kids 10U
Seaside Santa Dash 5K
Seaside Santa Dash 5K
Join the FUN. The 12th Seaside Santa Dash is here. December 20, 2025 AT 10AM. If you register by 6/15/25 you'll receive a FREE SANTA SUIT or ELF Suit! We’ll be running along the beaches and roads of the Kennebunks of Maine for the 5K Run/Walk, 10K Run and Elf Dash all out of FEDERAL JACK'S RESTAURANT & BREW PUB. With registration you get a Santa suit (or elf), race bib, race Tee AND 1 Shipyard beer. JOIN THE BEST PRE & POST RACE AFTER-PARTY - A continental breakfast is served 7:30AM -10AM (and the bar is open). Shipyard Beer will be featured at FEDERAL JACK'S for the race.
Come get your JOLLY on for the Holidays! Register ONLINE until DECEMBER 19TH. KIDS 12 AND UNDER RACE FOR $15.