Scarborough April Amble 5K/1 mile kids race
Sub-events Details
Scarborough April Amble 5K/1mile kids race
scarborough april amble
Scarborough’s 5K April Amble Sunday April 30
5K Run-10:30am Kids 1 mile run –10:00am Cost: 5K Race - $20 pre registered, $25 race day Kids’ 1 Mile Race - $15
Registration link:
Pre-registered athletes (April 20) will receive a moisture wicking short sleeve shirt!
Proceeds to Benefit: Scarborough Track and Cross Country Programs
Race Day Registration: 9am SHS Tennis courts
Awards: Kids Race-Medal to each finisher, Plaque to 1st male and female finisher.
Potted spring flower mix to be given away in a random draw
Age Groups-5K: Medals to top 6 (3 M/ 3 F) in each age group: 14 & under, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and older. Plaque - Open Overall – Male and Female