Feed the 5K: Run & Food Drive
Sub-events Details
Feed the 5K: Run & Food Drive
Welcome to the 2024 Feed the 5K: Run & Food Drive. We are excited to see everyone on race day. While the event is free, we ask that all participants bring non-perishable food items to donate in lieu of an entry fee. This year, all donated items will be going to Cooperative Christian Ministry, a nonprofit with programs that move people from crisis to restoration by relieving hunger and food insecurity, keeping families together in their homes and addressing homelessness and housing crisis.
This will be a self-timed event with one male and one female winner in each of these three age categories:
There will be a monetary prize for the winners.
We are offering a race shirt for purchase at cost. You may pick up your purchased shirt at registration on the day of the event. If you sign up after the deadline, you might no longer be able to purchase a shirt through this site. We will have a limited supply of extra shirts available for purchase on race day, first come first serve, cash or check.
We are looking for volunteers to assist with race-day logistics. If you're interested, click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A084BACA72CA64-50697678-feed
Race day details to come!
Event organized by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints