2nd Annual New Body Fitness 5k & 1 Mile

2nd Annual New Body Fitness 5k & 1 Mile

Tipton, IA
2023-06-10 17:30:00
5K / 1 mile

Sub-events Details

New Body Fitness 1 mile

1 mile
Jun 10, 2023 (Sat)
5:30 PM
in person

New Body Fitness 5k

Jun 10, 2023 (Sat)
6:00 PM
in person

Event details

New Body Fitness is hosting our 2nd annual 5k & 1 mile run.

1 mile race: 5:30pm

5k race: 6:00 pm

This event will be chip timed and will be ran on both hard surface and gravel surface.

Packet pick-up will be located at the Tipton City Park 700 Park Rd. Tipton, IA  starting at 1 pm.

Registration will be available day of event until 5:00pm 

Awards after race.

5k awards to Top overall male and female runners. followed by top 3 finishers in each age group. 15 and under, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+

Mile awards to the top finisher for boys and girls. Top 3 finishers in age groups 7 and under, 8 -12,   as well as participation ribbons to all runners. Run/walkers over 12  are welcome to sign us for the 1 mile, but awards will only be given to 12 and under.

Tipton will be hosting their Kick off to Summer event with Kids activities, Music, Food Vendors and Beer tent available before and after the race.

Proceeds from the race will go towards updates to local bowling alley The Red Pin.