Zacks Place Thanksgiving Turkey Trot in-person and Global Thursday Nov 28

Zacks Place Thanksgiving Turkey Trot in-person and Global Thursday Nov 28

Woodstock, VT
Nov 28, 2025

Sub-events Details

5K Run

Nov 28, 2025 (Fri)
10:00 AM
Race walk
in person

5k Walk

Nov 28, 2025 (Fri)
10:00 AM
Race walk
in person

Zack's Place Virtual Global Turkey Trot

Nov 28, 2025 (Fri)
10:00 AM
Race walk

Event details

Hi Everyone,

Please note that you can pick up race packets on the 27th of November between 3-5:00P at Woodstock Elementary School 15 South St. Woodstock, VT 05091

Registration on race day is at the  Woodstock Elementary School. WE WILL HAVE LIVE MUSIC "JOHN SNYDER'S BAND!" BE SURE TO REGISTER BETWEEN 8:00a AND 9:30a SO THE RACE CAN BEGIN ON TIME!

Thank you for registering for this really fun family event to support Zack's Place. On Thanksgiving Day whether you are in Woodstock, the surrounding towns, Vermont, other states or beyond we are hoping to see your pictures or even see you in town walking or running the Zack's Place 5K Turkey Trot to support programs at Zack's Place. 

We have a couple of changes. Due to some canine issues last year we are unable to host you dog or pets in this event. Please do not bring your pets to the Turkey Trot. Also, parking was somewhat difficult last year and this year we will be providing you with parking suggestions below.

The Zack's Place Turkey Trot, a 5K run and walk held on Thanksgiving Day, was first established in 2007, and has become a dependable annual fundraiser ever since. In 2007, almost 200 people participated. In 2023 over 1,700 people participated and raised $119,000.  All of the proceeds of the race are dedicated to our operational costs.

In years past participants would line up and register for the race they are entertained by a band on a flatbed truck. Refreshments are offered. The race begins in front of the Woodstock Elementary School at 10:00 AM, with the more skilled runners in front and the rest following. The run meanders through the historic Village of Woodstock, then on towards Billings Farm, around Mountain Avenue, and back around The Town Green, ending at the starting line. An award ceremony, also with refreshments and a band, follows the race where medals are presented.

Families run together as college students and relatives gather for the Thanksgiving celebration. Grandparents and young children in carriages participate as walkers. It has become a tradition for many in the Woodstock area; however we also have "satellite participants" who cannot be in Woodstock but who run with family wherever they are: Hawaii, Italy, New York City, etc. This is indeed a day of thanks where individuals help support our enrichment center and give thanks for their own gifts at the same time.

Suggested parking:

  1. Mill Building                            21710-41F Maxham Meadow Way Woodstock, VT 05091
  2. Sunset Farms                          21710 Maxham Meadow Way, Woodstock VT 05091
  3. East End Park                         217-03 Maxham Meadow Way, Woodstock, VT 05091
  4. OHC/Masonic Temple             30 Pleasant Street, Woodstock, VT 05091
  5. Billings Farm and Museum    69 Old River Road, Woodstock, VT 05091
  6. Woodstock Rec. Ctr.              54 River Street, Woodstock, VT 05091
  7. Woodstock Country Club      78 South Street, Woodstock, VT 05091
  8. Village of Woodstock Street Parking:  Elm Street, Central Street and Pleasant Streets only

****No parking around the Woodstock Village Green*****

Price starting at:
