Worth the Weight Race
Sub-events Details
Worth the Weight 10K
Worth the Weight 5K
Worth the Weight Kids!
Worth the Weight Virtual Race
We're back! We listened and learned from the feedback received last year and are VERY excited to announce our improved third annual Worth the Weight Race set to take place Saturday, August 10th in Old Westmont.
Our first improvement is our race times: Worth the Weight Kids! will start at 8 AM with our adult races (5K run/walk and 10K) will start at 8:30 AM.
Location is the same: 827 Diamond Blvd. Johnstown, PA 15905
All routes will feature the quaint and scenic neighborhood of Westmont. Follow the link to watch a video tour of both our 5K and 10K races: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svGQXbmYRLA
We will have food, drinks, music, and prizes, as always. Come out and support our goal of providing comfort by the pound! We can't wait to see you there!
Donations to Worth the Weight can be made by following the link here: https://www.cfalleghenies.org/fund/worth-the-weight-fund/