Wolf Run Series (formerly Bull Run & Bike) - Dry Wolf 2024

Wolf Run Series (formerly Bull Run & Bike) - Dry Wolf 2024

Stanford, MT
Jul 16, 2022
Half Marathon / Other

Sub-events Details

Half Marathon - Individual Run

Half Marathon
Jul 16, 2022 (Sat)
12:30 AM
Run only
in person

Half Marathon - Team Run/Run

Half Marathon
Jul 16, 2022 (Sat)
12:30 AM
Run only
in person

One Mile Family Fun Run

Jul 16, 2022 (Sat)
3:00 AM
Run only
in person

Event details


Howdy folks!  Join us in beautiful Judith Basin County for the second race of our Wolf Trifecta Series. 2024 will feature the Dry Wolf race, which starts in the Little Belt Mountains and continues on a maintained county gravel road until the finish. The course gradually declines in elevation, with a few rolling hills and a couple steeper climbs along the way.

To complete the Wolf Trifecta Series you must eventually finish all three courses (Running Wolf, Dry Wolf and Big Bad Wolf), either running or biking. These do not have to be completed in consecutive years.  Once all three races are in the books, not only will you have bragging rights, but you'll be rewarded with a Wolf Trifecta Series T-shirt and hand-made medal!

We also offer a 5K race and a 1-mile fun run/walk.

In 2025, we will run the Big Bad Wolf race and then in 2026 we will again run the Running Wolf race. 

Mark your calendar now and make your plans to take part in this unique experience! 

Proceeds from both races will benefit Basin Wellness Center, a facility in-the-making with the goal of "bringing health and wellness to Judith Basin County."  Check out our Facebook page for more information about our project!

Start time for the half marathon races is 6:30 a.m.  5K will start at 9:00 AM.  1-mile fun run will start at 10:00 AM.  Further instructions of where to meet up will be provided the week before the race.


This race comes with a T-Shirt and Swag Bag.  To guarantee these items, your registration will need to be received by June 20, 2024.


This course comprises the last 3.1 miles of the Running Wolf half marathon route.  A gradual jaunt down maintained gravel county road with plenty of scenery to boot!  Save your legs for the final push up a gradual hill to the finish!  


This will be a flat, family friendly 1 mile course. Race will begin and end along the same route as the Wolf races.  Watch your email for instructions as race day approaches! Race participants that pre-register will receive a race shirt. Those registering late or the day of the race may or may not receive a race shirt. Please watch for traffic and obey all traffic laws. Walkers are welcome but please leave your furry friends at home.


Thanks to our generous sponsors, we will have awards for 1st and 2nd place finishers in each race as well as lots of door prizes!  Drawing for door prizes will take place at the conclusion of the 1-mile fun run.


We will have a volunteer EMT on-site in case of emergencies.  Water stations will be provided throughout the half marathon route and at the finish line for both races.  No public restrooms will be provided at the half marathon race.


These races are also timed to coincide with a weekend full of events that commemorate Charlie Russell's life and work, including the CMR Stampede Rodeo, Western BBQ, Stampede Music Fest, Kids' Calf Scramble, and the Quick Finish Art & Auction, in which artists compete to finish their painting, sculpture or other artwork and then enter it in a live auction. 


HAVE FUN!!  Enjoy the breathtaking scenery and be sure to join us afterward for continued fun during CMR Stampede Weekend!