Wine Run Virtual Turkey Trot Races
Sub-events Details
Virtual 5k
Like Running? Love Wining and Dining? Celebrate Thanksgiving in style this year by starting a new virtual tradition! Wine Run Turkey Trot Virtual Races are all about Running or Walking by yourself or with friends and family, encouraging charitable giving, and of course scoring sweet race swag!
Registration Includes:
Where is this Race? This is a Virtual race, so we will ship your packet to you and you can complete your race when and where and with whom you choose!
When is this Race? You can complete your race any time on or before December 31, 2024. You have until January 31, 2025 to report your time! Turkey Trots are typically on Thanksgiving morning, but you are free (as a bird) to run, walk, trot, or fly whenever you would like!
When Will Items Ship? Packets start shipping on November 15th on a rolling basis.