What Would Trevor Do Run N' Roll for Hope 5k
Sub-events Details
Run N' Roll 5k
VIRTUAL Run N' Roll 5k
VIRTUAL Kids Fun Run Under 12
Kids Fun Run Under 12
The What Would Trevor Do Run N’ Roll for Hope 5K was created to raise money for a very close friend,
Trevor Comeau, in an attempt to assist with uninsured medical expenses incurred as a result of his spinal cord injury.
The entry fees for the run will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses. With the help of Help Hope
Live all entry fees paid by runners will be tax-deductible! It is the goal (and mission) of the founders in years to come
to help others just like Trevor on their road to learning how to walk once again! For more information please visit our
website at www.RunNRoll5k.com.