The Westerwood 5K is on November 10, 2024 at 2:00pm and welcomes all runners, joggers, and walkers! This event takes participants on a unique tour of historic Westerwood. Sites include the mural of Bollywood actress Madhubala, Guilford County’s oldest house, the Fairmont Street bridge, the Westerwood roundabout, the Lake Daniel Greenway, and of course, the start and finish at Double Oaks Bed & Breakfast, which is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Register today for the following benefits:
Westerwood 5K performance tech t-shirt (long sleeve option available) - guaranteed for registrations through 10/11/2024
Customizable bib with your name - for registrations through 10/11/2024
Chili, bread, and a beer or beverage at our post-race party
Support two great local charities, BackPack Beginnings and Greensboro Urban Ministry, and help fund the Lake Daniel Park/Greenway bike maintenance station
Run, jog, or walk through the beautiful, historic Westerwood neighborhood, along the Lake Daniel Greenway, over the iconic Buffalo Creek bridge
Awards for overall, masters, and age group winners
Inspirational and humorous displays on the race course
Music at the start line and and along the race course
Great vibes of Westerwood in the fall!
Westerwood 5K Race Charities
You can donate to BackPack Beginnings, Greensboro Urban Ministry, and Buffalo Creek Running Company (Lake Daniel Park bike maintenance station).
Westerwood 5K Race Sponsors
We couldn't put on such a great race without the support of our sponsors. Click on the sponsor links to check them out!!
There will be awards for top three male and female overall and age group winners, and top masters male and female. We will have more details on awards leading up to race day!
On Course Entertainment!
There will be music at the start line and along the 5K course.
On Course Displays and Signs!
There will be many on course displays and signs to keep you inspired!
Water Stops
Are located approximately at miles 1 and 2 of the 5K course. Water will also be provided at the finish line.