Virginia Capital Fitness 2021 Winter Running Team (WRT)
Sub-events Details
10 K Training Team for April 10K Targeted Race
Boston Qualifying Team (Speed-Track-Hills-Intervals-Strength)
Shamrock 26.2 or Other March 26.2 Race
Shamrock 13.1 or Other March 13.1 Race
"I Just want to Run on Saturdays." Short or Long Routes Available.
PLEASE GO TO: VCF 2022 Winter Running Team ( if you're trying to sign up for VCF's 2022 Winter Running Team starting this Saturday, December 4th,2021
Welcome to Virginia Capital Fitness' 2021 Winter Running Team designed for Intermediate & Advanced runners. VCF is adding a 10K training module, and we welcome all RVA experienced runners to join the "very best" Winter Running Team in the Mid-Atlantic.
VCF will provide detailed training schedules for:
> Shamrock or Other March 26.2 & 13.1 Race- Starting Dec 5th for 16 Weeks
> April Targeted 26.2 & 13.1 Race- Starting January 2nd for 16 Weeks
>10K training designed for your specific March, April 2021 10K race.
Willow Lawn was selected explicitly seven years ago by Frankie Gerloff because of the large parking area and post-run amenities. Additionally, in lousy winter weather, VCF's running routes are the safest out and back in RVA, and the parking lots are the first to be cleared of snow and other winter debris in winter storms.
VCF's Winter Training Team begins on Saturday, December 5, and the Boston Marathon Training starts on Saturday, January 3. All training runs will start from Lucky Road Run Center. Dynamic team stretching begins at 6:45, followed by team announcements at 7:15 AM, and beginning the long run from 7:27 to 7:35 AM.
I look forward to seeing all past SMTT & WMT runners on Saturday, December 5th.
VCF Head Coach: Frankie Gerloff
Phone- 804-307-6405