Vineland Grand Prix XC Series
Sub-events Details
Vineland Grand Prix XC Series - July 10, 17, 24, 31 & August 7
Vineland Grand Prix XC Series - July 9, 16, 23, 30 & August 6
Weekly 5K races every Wednesday Night from July 10th to August 7th at Vineland's hidden Cross Country gem - Campanella Park. Sponsored by the City of Vineland Recreation Department and produced by Second Capital Running, these are chip-timed races with individual results each week as well as overall results for the full series.
- Registration is 100% free and includes all 5 nights of the series. No need to sign up again.
- Walkup Registration will be available every night from 6:00 to 6:50. Races start at 7:00 pm sharp.
- Runners must compete in all 5 races to qualify for awards