UT NSSLHA's Operation Smile 5k

UT NSSLHA's Operation Smile 5k

Toledo, OH
Apr 5, 2024 - Apr 7, 2024

Sub-events Details

5k Run/Walk

Apr 05, 2024 (Fri)
1:00 AM
in person

Event details

University of Toledo's National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association is hosting a virtual fundraising 5k run/walk to help provide cleft lip and cleft palate surgeries to children in need.

Operation Smile is a global nonprofit organization that provides cleft lip and palate surgery along with comprehensive care to children around the world for free. A cleft lip or palate condition is a gap in the mouth that didn't close during the early stages of pregnancy. Depending on the type and severity, a cleft condition can create severe health issues for a child if it's not treated. It's common for babies to have difficulty with feeding, which can lead to malnutrition or even starvation. Recurring ear infections can occur, which can lead to hearing loss. Jaw and dental development can also be affected. For people with cleft conditions, especially those with cleft palate, speech and language development can also be hindered. Children may also suffer from bullying and social isolation.