Urgent Care of Berwick Love Chocolate Half & 10k
Sub-events Details
The ERS Savannah Love Chocolate Half Marathon and 10K - THE YEAR OF THE GUMMY BEAR
This Half Marathon and 10k is all about earning your Chocolate. Chocolate treats from packet pickup, on the course, all the way to the Finish line. Hot Chocolate and Coffee, tasty treats and our festive finish line will make this a great Valentines Day Weekend event for you. Southbridge is beautiful and the course is the favorite training area for one of our race directors. It features lakes, perfect lawns, old trees, smooth roads and sidewalks. The course is open but their is low traffic levels and the Home Owners are gracious.
Chip timing
Finisher Medal and Mug included with race registration (no shirt)
Bag and Key Check option
Our Race Photos are free for download
Are there age limits or time limits for the event?
3 hour max (12 noon), Young and old, fast or slow, everyone is welcome. We will help anyone falling behind the pass along so they can finish within the 3 hour time frame.
Course Maps
Are strollers allowed?
Strollers are welcome, it is an open course but nearly 100% paved.
What charity does the race benefit?
Trail Life USA - 0222 and American Heritage Girls Troop 1189
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Endurance Race Services: help@savannahraces.net
Is my registration/ticket transferrable?
Yes, Log in anytime prior to the race to update
Can I update my registration information?
Yes, Log in anytime prior to the race to update
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
No, you can use the email confirmation on your phone or just your last name. You can also pick up for friends.
What is the refund policy?
100% refund anytime prior to the close of online registration for any reason
Where are the results posted?
We post the results on www.savannahraces.com and email them out to anyone preregistered.