Tutus & Tennis Shoes Virtual 5K
Sub-events Details
Tutus & Tennis Shoes Virtual 5K Race
Tutus & Tennis Shoes Virtual 5K Fun Run – April 3 through April 11
Map your course, choose a date, and then run, walk, toddle, crawl or put on a tutu and dance — it's all up to you! Share pictures of you and your crew, and we will post them on social media. You may also post them right here on the Tutus & Tennis Shoes Signup: https://runsignup.com/Race/VA/Leesburg/TutusandTennisshoesVirtual5K
Race Date: Run at your leisure between April 3 and April 11
Entry fee: $25
Last Day to Register: April 11 at 3 pm
Questions: TutusTennisShoesLBPAC@outlook.com
For a chance to win prizes by male/female age group, submit your time by emailing your results to TutusTennisShoesLBPAC@outlook.com.
Now that you have the running bug, join our LBPAC Fitness Challenge – Two Events, One Team! Please join the LBPAC Run the Greenway Team. Our goal is a 200-member team for the virtual or in-person May 1st run of the Dulles Greenway in support of local charities. 100% of the money raised by the LBPAC Run the Greenway Team will go directly to LBPAC.
Join the LBPAC Run the Greenway Team at https://runsignup.com/Race/101871/Charity/15408.
All runners who participate in both events – “Tutus & Tennis Shoes” and “Run the Greenway” –will receive a commemorative LBPAC Fitness Challenge Medal!
For more information, visit our website at www.lbpac.org.