Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS Unified Sports® sponsored by Wayne Special Parents Association

Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS Unified Sports® sponsored by Wayne Special Parents Association

Wayne, NJ
Nov 18, 2023

Sub-events Details

Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS - Aged-based Pricing for Students

Nov 18, 2023 (Sat)
9:00 AM
in person

Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS Unified Unified Sports® Program

Nov 18, 2023 (Sat)
9:00 AM
in person

Event details

Please join the Wayne Special Parents Association (WSPA)  for our annual Turkey Trot 5K to support and raise awareness for Wayne Township Public Schools (WTPS) Unified Sports®. All proceeds will be donated to WTPS Unified Sports® Program. 

Special Olympics is dedicated to promoting social inclusion through shared sports training and competition sports experiences. Unified Sports® joins students with and without intellectual disabilities together as teammates, each one a meaningful, equal part of the team. Students involved in Unified are not volunteers. They come to play, make new friends and be leaders in making a positive impact on their school community. 

We plan to Gobble, Gobble, Run, and Wobble Rain-or-Shine! The course will begin & end on the Wayne Hills track located in the rear of the high school and travel through an adjacent neighborhood. 

This is a great opportunity to help support an amazing initiative and do some huffing and puffing before the gravy and stuffing!

Early birds are sure to catch the worm with special pricing.