Turkey Trot
Sub-events Details
Walking-1 Mile - One-Mile Jaunt
Running-5K - 5K Turkey Trot fun run
Riverhawk Rush (75 yard dash) - Riverhawk Rush
Registration and raffles will occur in the Health and Life Sciences Building courtyard.
5k Fun Run and One-Mile Jaunt
The Arnold course is well marked and moderately hilly. Course maps will be available on site. Runs are not timed so participants can enjoy the beauty of the fall season on campus!
FREE! Riverhawk Rush (75-yard dash for kids 2 to 10)
Let the littlest birds spread their wings in their very own Riverhawk Rush! The 75-yard dash will be run prior to the start of the Turkey Trot near registration. Age-appropriate heats will be set. The Riverhawk Rush runs begin promptly at 11:30 a.m.
AACC is open to the public, so be courteous and alert. Strollers are welcome; pets and bikes are not allowed.
Complete one entry form for each participant. Make checks payable to AACC and mail or drop off to:
Anne Arundel Community College,
Jenkins Gymnasium Room 208
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012-1895
Raffle tickets and T-shirts for preregistered runners may
be picked up from the registration tables beginning at
10 a.m. Runners who register on the event day are not guaranteed a T-shirt.
Refreshments will be served after the run, courtesy of our sponsors. Additional snacks will be available for purchase.
Raffles will be drawn during the run and posted at the finish line. All registered runners will receive a chance to win a prize. Prizes include AACC swag, turkeys, pies, gift cards and more! Register early; T-shirts will be available while supplies last.
AACC has a food pantry in the Student Engagement office for students who come to school hungry and cannot afford to buy food. Please consider bringing a nonperishable food item to help us stock the pantry.
Popular items to donate are:
• Fruit cups
• Breakfast or granola bars
• Small juice bottles
• Cheese and crackers
• Peanut butter and jelly
• Cereal
• Soup (canned or cup of noodles)