Trina's 50th Birthday 5K

Trina's 50th Birthday 5K

Cumming, GA
Apr 24, 2021 - Apr 30, 2021

Sub-events Details

Trina's 50th Birthday 5K

Apr 24, 2021 (Sat)
3:00 AM
in person

Event details

All milestones deserve to be celebrated.

In a season where covid still exists and the need to social distance there is one way to still celebrate with non other than a 

 A virtual 5K race!

Please join in celebrating  Trina's 50th Birthday 5K 

A virtual option is available for those who prefer and  for out of town  guests from 4/24/- 4/30/. 

There will be a local park venue for Atlanta residents who want to join us on Sunday 4/25/21 at 9:00 a.m. at Fowler Park.

More details below:

The 50th Birthday 5K will celebrate 50 years of life for Trina Posey-Bell. With her avid love of running and dedication to health and fitness this Birthday 5K is the perfect way to participate in one of her favorite past times.

A 5K is 3.10 miles and is for walkers and runners of every fitness level. 

On 4/25/21, participants in the Atlanta Metro area  are welcome to join a small group of walkers and runners at

Fowler Park 4110 Carolene Way| Cumming, GA 30040 at 9:00 a.m. You can also choose another park of choice if this location is too far.

There will be 3 different groups for start times to meet Covid-19 guidelines. Groups will be separated by:


2 moderate runners, and by

3) competitive fast paced- runners.

All participants will receive a souvenir t-shirt with a $22 donation.

Trina has chosen Fannie Lou Hamer Institute  of Advocacy & Social Action for her charity of choice  for this event. A portion of race proceeds will go towards the institute to support funding for continued programs.

Please visit : to learn more. 

We look forward to your participation in celebrating this milestone!

#71turns50 #trinas50thbday5K