TMC Tucson 10k
Sub-events Details
TMC Tucson 10k
5k Run/Walk
Beautiful desert scenery with sunrise over the Tucson Mountains
Chair friendly - smooth surfaces on challenging hills
Beneficiaries: The TMC Tucson 10k provides funds to the Southern Arizona Roadrunners and the BEYOND-Tucson Foundation
Race Directors: The SAR-calendared event was created by Randy and Tia Accetta and the Run Tucson team, and is the 2nd leg of the 2024 Gabe Zimmerman Triple Crown.
Developed by Tucson's premier event producing team, Run Tucson, in partnership with Arizona's largest non-profit running club, the Southern Arizona Roadrunners. We are RRCA race director certified.
DAMION ALEXANDER PHOTOS: One of our event sponsors and good friends is Long Realty's Damion Alexander. Check out this awesome video from Damion: he spent all morning on his bike, then all of Sunday evening putting it together -- it's a lot of fun...Check out all of Damion's photos at The Tucson Photographer smugmug account.
(We are super grateful to Damion for all of his efforts on behalf of the endurance community -- not only does he spend hours on the bike at our races, but he then spends hours at the computer fixing and fiddling with the photos. On top of that, he is a bike volunteer at Sabino Canyon and El Tour.)
JOHN HARRIS PHOTOS: On the TMC Tucson 10k race registration page you can check out the photos put together by John Harris. John is a student at the UArizona and an assistant Cross Country Coach at Salpointe, where he was a standout runner. He's developed a keen eye for running photography and we're delighted to have him on our team!
FINISHER VIDEO: Check out the video of you crossing the finish line at the race results page, courtesy of Greg Wenneborg and Roadrunner Race Timing.
SOCIAL MEDIA: If you want to share any photos of you, your friends, or beautiful morning scenery, please share at the Run Tucson FB page. For social media, please tag @runtucson and @runsar and @rrca and @TucsonMedicalCenter with any instagram posts -- you can use hashtags #TMCTucson10k or #gabezimmermantriplecrown or #runsar and #runtucson and anything else you want . . . thanks to SAR for this post!