Tiny 5K/10K/13.1 Race NEW YORK CITY

Tiny 5K/10K/13.1 Race NEW YORK CITY

New York, NY
May 7, 2022
Half Marathon / 10K / 5K

Sub-events Details

10K Registration

May 07, 2022 (Sat)
8:30 AM
Run only
in person


May 07, 2022 (Sat)
8:00 AM
Run only
in person

5K Registration

Half Marathon
May 07, 2022 (Sat)
9:30 AM
Run only
in person

Event details

Run in this Tiny, Private Group Run with other runners and our run pacers! All paces and ages (under 18 with guardian) welcome - Run or Walk! 

Run is capped at just 15 participants per wave for health, safety, and just the right amount of encouragement! 

We'll run through a scenic route together at a location TBD. If you're looking for a 5K near you, a 10K near you, or a half-marathon near you, look no further!

No equipment or setup, just a pure run. You can time yourself through an app or watch and submit your results after.

Your Swag bag will be mailed directly to you so no packet pickup required! Swag bag includes a Technical Running Shirt, Finisher's Medal, Premium Drawstring Backpack, & (Optional) Bib and pins. 

You're welcome to hangout after and make new friends! 

Important Note** In case there are less than 7 runners, we may postpone the run to a later time until there are at least 7 other runners. No fee for transfer for postponed runs.