Thoroughbred Trot 5K & Fun Run
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
5K Run/Walk
Virtual Runner/Walker
5K Run/Walk
Virtual Runner/Walker
Fastest Kid at Northside Races
Fastest Kid at Northside Races
PACKET PICKUP: Details to be announced closer to race day.
FASTEST KID AT NORTHSIDE ELEMENTARY RACES These are races that will only be for Northside Elementary students (K-5th Grade). Those students who register for the 5K run/walk or 1 Mile fun run get to participate in the Fastest Kid races for FREE. The Fastest Kid races will take place at 2pm in the bus loop at Northside Elementary school. Each grade will have a race (Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th). The boy/girl winner in each grade will then have a run off with the other boy/girl winners from the other grades to determine the overall Fastest Kid at Northside. All participants of the Fastest Kid races will earn a participation medal.