The Rugged Red Trail Half Marathon
Sub-events Details
Half Marathon
VIRTUAL Half Marathon
Join us as we run in one of the most spectacular trail settings in the United States and provide support to the men and women who serve on the search & rescue teams that regularly save lives in the Red River Gorge area.
You can find the course map here.
COURSE HYDRATION: Our race is cup less. Please bring a water bottle or self hydration system. We will have SWORD hydration and water at the start area and water at 5 locations along the 13.1 mile route.
PACKET PICKUP (PPU): Our packet pickup will be held on Friday, 10/4/24 from 4-8pm at the Natural Bridge Campground (pavilion). This is the race venue. We will also hold last chance PPU on race morning (Saturday, 10/5/24) from 5:45-7am at the same location. The address for Natural Bridge Campground is 90 L&E Railroad Place, Slade, KY 40376
Please check out the race website and our FB page for more info and updates and reach out to if you have any questions.