The Hope for B.E.S.T. K-9 Walk
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Walk
Sunday Funday for the whole family AND man’s best friend
No Dog? No Worries! Just come out and walk for the cause!
Join the community walk to help bring more mental health awareness programs to
our kids/students. “The umbrella which encompasses ALL mental health, knows
no bias. No one is immune.” So, let’s ALL walk together for one another!
Start Times
Registration and Packet Pickup: 8:00am
1 Mile Fun Walk: 10:00am
In case of rain or inclement weather, the rain date is September 22.
Pre-Registration (until Friday, September 13 at 5:00pm)
1 Mile - $25
Race Day Registration (cash or check only)
1 Mile - $30
The Cause
Imagine being given 6,000 things a day to think about. Seems overwhelming, but on average a person will have more than 6,000 thoughts a day! The mind can become a battlefield of information. While not all thoughts carry the same weight (i.e.… meaningless, irrelevant, important, useful, negative, positive, …) they still come, sometimes repetitively. Often, some of these thoughts can and will shape your thinking, decision making and choices.
The Hope for B.E.S.T. recognizes that not every thought needs to be spoken and/or have a voice. However, there are millions of people silently suffering every day from thoughts they are too afraid or ashamed to share: Who will listen? Will they judge me? Will they accept me? Will they understand what I am going through? Will they help me? Their silent thoughts can keep them captive and a prisoner, burrowing themselves into their mind, like cancer; quietly entering, unseen, taking up residence and then spreading.
The mission of The Hope for B.E.S.T. is to bring hope to all those suffering from their silent thoughts and to stop the stigma surrounding Mental Health and bring encouragement to Mental Health Awareness by acknowledging and accepting the reality that WE ALL have struggles; physical, mental, emotional... and NO ONE is immune from this reality, and NO ONE should ever battle alone. So, let’s start speaking to the silence that needs to be heard and listen; for healing begins when the silence ends!. #inthistogether!
What You Get
Custom event t-shirt! (additional shirts available for purchase at the event)
Commemorative dog bandana! (additional bandanas available for purchase at the event)
Post-race walk refreshments!
Music, giveaways, contests and prizes!
Local author book sales!
More Information
For more information, please contact Hermes Sport and Events: 216-623-9933