Sub-events Details
Fun Run - Color Run
Special Needs Buddy Run
5K Color Run
Welcome to the 3rd ANNUAL Stardust Color Run. We were rained out back in November but are excited to reschedule this amazing event!!
This race was created to unite our community to celebrate those with special needs and raise money for Shoals United Stars This amazing organization was formed to offer kiddos with special needs an opportunity to participate in a sport. They have kids from all over the Shoals and as far away as Hackleburg - ALL are WELCOME!! They offer adaptive flag football, basketball and baseball. As a club, Stardust is extremely proud to have 58 girls who are excited to serve their community, organize such an event. and use the money raised to assist such an amazing program!! These 10th through 12th grade girls are learning to serve something bigger than themselves and see the results of hard work on race day.
We ask that you share the link and spread the word! We would love to break our record of 226 runners last year. We will start the day with our 5k Run at 10:00 and then immediate following, we will start our 1 mile Fun Run. During this FUN RUN, our 'Special Buddies' will have the opportunity to be paired with a Stardust member and participate in the run with Color and All!! Our Special Needs guests participate in this race free of charge while enjoying the spotlight on them the entire day!
Come and join us - you will NOT be disappointed!! Be prepared to have Color Thrown on you so dress appropriately!!