StoryBook 5k Run/Walk
Sub-events Details
StoryBook 5K
Start Time: 9am (checkin/registration begins at 8am)
Location: Duke Park in Troy
Cost: Registration fee with a t-shirt is $30 (t-shirt guaranteed if registered by October 11th)
Registration fee with no t-shirt is $25
Registration fee for kids 12 and under with a t-shirt is $20 (t-shirt guaranteed if registered by October 11th)
Kids 5 and under are free
Awards: There will be awards for the top 3 runners in each age group (12 and under, 13-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+)
Special awards for the best costume for a character out of your favorite book, and individual costume from your favorite book
Water and after race snacks will be available!
Proceeds will support Child Care Choices programs and services: Story Lady, Yoga Lady, free child care referrals, free trainings/workshops for providers, Child & Adult Care Food Program, advocacy work to improve child care in Miami County and surrounding areas.