St. Louis Track Club 2024-2025 Frostbite Series

St. Louis Track Club 2024-2025 Frostbite Series

Saint Louis, MO
Jan 6, 2024
Other / 5K / Half Marathon / 10 mile / 15K

Sub-events Details

10 Mile only

10 mile
Dec 28, 2024 (Sat)
8:15 AM
Run only
in person

15K only

Feb 03, 2024 (Sat)
8:20 AM
Run only
in person

5K only

Jan 06, 2024 (Sat)
8:15 AM
Run only
in person

3 Mile only

Feb 03, 2024 (Sat)
8:15 AM
Run only
in person


Half Marathon
Jan 20, 2024 (Sat)
8:20 AM
Run only
in person

4 Mile only

Jan 20, 2024 (Sat)
8:15 AM
Run only
in person

20K only

Jan 06, 2024 (Sat)
8:20 AM
Run only
in person

SHORT Series

Dec 14, 2024 (Sat)
8:20 AM
Run only

LONG Series

Dec 14, 2024 (Sat)
8:15 AM
Run only

3K only

Dec 14, 2024 (Sat)
8:20 AM
Run only
in person

12K only

Dec 14, 2024 (Sat)
8:15 AM
Run only
in person

2 Mile only

Dec 28, 2024 (Sat)
8:20 AM
Run only
in person

Event details

St. Louis's classic winter running series, the St. Louis Track Club Frostbite Series, returns for 2024-2025 in Forest Park. 

We are proud to announce that our Title Sponsor again this year is SSM Health Physical Therapy.  SSM Health Physical Therapy will partner with you to heal, relieve pain and get you back to the things that are important to you.  Call (800) 518-1626 for more information and to find a location near you.  We will send out more information about the services they offer and how they will be there to help you after our races. SSM Health Physical Therapy--your therapy, our passion.

Event information

Dates and distances:

Sat., Dec. 14 – 3K/12K
Sat., Dec. 28 –  2M/10M 
Sat., Jan. 11 – 5K/20K
Sat., Jan. 25 – 4M/13.1M
Sat., Feb. 8 –  3M/15K

Registration and pre-race details

The Frostbite Series will take place at its usual short and long course series of races starting at the Forest Park Visitors Center. We strongly encourage participants to preregister as limited race day registrations will be available. For those who cannot compete in the entire series, single race registrations are also available.

The long and short course series will each have its own set of starting times. The start for the long race will begin at 8:15 a.m  The start for short races will begin at 8:20 a.m.  Bib numbers can be picked up prior to race day - see below.  Bibs should be kept and used for the duration of the series. Replacement bibs will be available should you lose/forget yours.

Middle school and high school runners have the option at registration to have their performance compared to peer runners in middle or high school school. If you wish to do this, click the middle/high school option button on your registration.

Pre-race instructions will be sent to participants prior to race day, including details for entering the starting area.

PACKET PICK UP: Friday, December 13 from noon to 6 p.m. inside the Forest Park Visitor Center.  Also each race morning outside the visitor center starting at 7 a.m.

*St. Louis Track Club MEMBERS, please sign use the email you use for your Track Club membership in order to acquire your race discount.   Non members can join today and get a discount for Frostbite and all future Track Club races.

Race day details 

Starting lines will be near the Visitors Center in Forest Park. As with last year’s Series, we do not have a permit this year to use the Visitors Center on race day. While the Visitors Center is open, participants will need to follow its requirements for guests. Portable restrooms will be available in the parking lot across from the Visitors Center. We encourage participants to wait in their vehicles or outside before their start time. 

Water and safety stations will be set up on the course. Stations will have water and sports drink in cups. Participants will be required to pick up their own drinks at water stations. Participants are encouraged to bring their own water bottle or hydration device. 

Post-race refreshments will consist of water, sports drink, and pre-packaged products that participants can pick up on their own.  

Health safety protocols

St. Louis Track Club encourages health and safety considerations regarding participants and volunteers. Participants will be required to follow any health and safety mandates that are in place for the City of St. Louis at the time of the race. Foremost, it is important to remember that the roads in Forest Park are open during the races, so walkers and runners should be vigilant throughout their races.

Shirts and awards

All series participants will receive a race shirt and series commemorative event medal. Shirts for series participants will be available on Race Day 2, Dec. 28. Participants in single races can purchase a shirt during registration.

Awards will be given for each series (per gender) in the following age groups: 12 & under; 13-16; 17-19; 20-24; 25-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75-79; 80 & over. Your age on December 14 will determine your age for the series, even if you're an individual race entrant.

Series awards will be earned by accruing points across a maximum of four races (i.e., your four best races). There will be 5 awards per age/gender group. A runner’s races will be awarded points based on their age/gender group placement using the following scale: 1st – 50 points; 2nd – 45 points; 3rd – 40 points; 4th – 35 points; 5th – 30 points; 6th - 25 points; 7th - 20 points; 8th - 15 points; 9th - 10 points; all finishers receive 5 points. Details on receiving awards will be sent to recipients following the conclusion of the series.  Only series registrants are eligible for series awards.

For the individual races in each series, the top five runners in each age group by gender receive a ribbon. Results are posted by Start2Finish at the conclusion of each race. Participants may claim these awards by coming to the registration table.

Cancellations and weather policy

As with any race year, the safety and well-being of everyone is our utmost concern and we will keep all event options within the guidelines of the CDC, the State of Missouri, the City of St. Louis, and the Road Runners Club of America.

Races will be held rain, snow, or shine and will not be cancelled except for cases of severe weather or unsafe road/course conditions. Less threatening conditions may cause alterations of the course or race day activities to ensure participant, volunteer, and community safety. The St. Louis Track Club is a nonprofit organization and all net proceeds are used to further the SLTC’s mission in the community. As such, no refunds or credits will be given in case of cancellation due to weather. 

Charity Shoe Drive - 

We will be collecting your used running and other athletic shoes (cleats included).  It doesn't matter what shape they are in, just bring them with you and drop off in the pile near race registration.  Money raised from recycling the shoes will go to our Scholarship fund.

Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at