SSR 5k- Fall Series #2 benefitting SHS Cross Country
Sub-events Details
Socorro Striders and Riders 5k- Fall Series #2
Join Socorro Striders and Riders for their annual Fall race series. The second 5k run will take place at the Cross Country Course at the City of Socorro Rodeo Grounds & Sports Complex at 6:00pm on Friday, October 4. This community 5k will take place immediately after the SHS Cross Country Team's home meet, the Socorro Stampede. Come as early as 3:00pm to support local athletes in their high school/middle school races.
Online registration is $5/person and will close at midnight on Wednesday, October 2. Race-day registration will be available beginning at 5:00pm on Friday at the blue tent by the finish line, cash only. All registration fees and any additional donations will benefit the Socorro High School Cross Country team.
The start and finish will be in the dirt parking lot on the east side of the soccer fields.