SRRL Merry Miles

SRRL Merry Miles

La Salle, IL
Dec 1, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024

Sub-events Details

Merry Miles

Dec 01, 2024 (Sun)
12:00 AM
Walk only

Event details

Welcome to Merry Miles V

This is our annual December FREE fun event where we encourage you to be active in a busy month to maintain your health.  

This event was designed for participation from all types of people, from walkers to runners, adults to kids. You are able to record miles by walking, running, indoors or outdoors, or on an elliptical. It is all on the honor system if say you did it, I will believe you! That is why there are tiers, so the walkers that may earn only 1 or 2 chances will not feel like the higher mileage people who have 3 or 4 or even more chances in the basket will win all the prizes. This is to motivate you during what would be a busy time of the year. So, you can get your miles in the outdoors or indoors on a track or even treadmill, and even elliptical. About the only way we are not counting miles is by bike. 

This year we will again use a shared spreadsheet on "googlesheets". (Yes, there is an app for your phone). Once we get closer, I will email everyone a link to the sheet. If you are not able to figure out how to use it, you can report to me your miles and I will enter them for you. To keep your information as confidential as possible, you will only see your first name and last name. 

To explain the process a little more… report your miles you walked, ran, got on a treadmill, track, or elliptical and watch your mileage climb. You don’t need to show me proof of your miles (unless you are that proud to get that many, then send them to me I will cheer you on), if you say you did them, then I will believe you. When you reach 25k (15.53 miles) your name will be entered on the wheel of names, when you reach 50k (31.06 miles) your name will go on a second time, then another at 75k (46.6 miles) and again another ticket at 100k (62.13 miles) and so on. Since we had some that really racked up the miles last few years, a 3rd tier was added. That tier being over 200k (124.27 miles), 225k (139.81 miles), and 250k (155.34 miles). I have been able maintain a 70% chance of winners in each tier but the prizes may have a few that are valued being higher. 

The "top earner" will be drawn to win automatically for the one with the most miles in 1 month.

To be fair to the ones that do not get high miles, 50k and under will be in one tier with either 1 or 2 tickets, ones with under 200k will have 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 tickets in another tier and ones with 200k and higher will have 8, 9, or 10 chances in 3rd tier. This was determined to be the fairest so the ones doing a mile a day won’t feel like they would not win since they didn’t have enough tickets. We wanted them to feel like they had as much chance as anyone.  The difference is the prizes in basket “B” may be larger than basket “A” and basket “C” may be larger than “B”, but your chances of winning if in basket “A” or “B” should be just as good. 

Again, we will have bonus days (double of the reported miles). Knowing people will be the busiest Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, any miles you get those days I will double. So, if you get 2 miles Christmas Eve, put in 2 and the sheet will add an additional 2 miles. This can help some reach the next tier or make up some ground if they fell behind because something prevented them from getting miles another day. This year the social committee will also be hosting a FREE Christmas Light fun run. You will be able to TRIPLE your miles that day for the ones that show up to run OR socialize. But must make an appearance to triple your miles. This is all in fun and hopes that people are motivated to get a few miles recorded on a couple of days that is usually occupied with other priorities. 

Once you win a prize any other time your name is removed as we want to see more winners. 

At this time, we had a few donated items, and a few entries into the 2025 Run the Path 10k just to name a few prizes.

You will have until 5JAN2025 to report your miles, so I have time to figure out the tiers and mark the names. Then at the January 2025 SRRL board meeting we will draw for the prizes. Just make sure your 2025 membership is renewed by 21JAN2025 to be eligible to win as this is a free event for club members only.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. 

Enjoy, have fun, and get out and stay active! 

Thank you for participating.

Your SRRL Social Committee