Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin' 5K
Sub-events Details
The 2022 Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin’ Festival 5K Race will be held on April 9, 2022. The race begins at 8:00 AM (race table and info booth opens at 7:00 AM in downtown Sopchoppy).
You won’t want to miss this race which starts in downtown Sopchoppy and winds through beautiful country roads. Just come to downtown Sopchoppy (corner of Rose Street and Municipal Ave.)
Our race and festival sponsors are so important to our festival – we couldn’t do this without them. To become a SPONSOR: Click to Print the Sponsorship Form (opens new window) and return along with check or money order payable to SPIA, PO Box 272, Sopchoppy FL 32358. Please also send a digital copy of your logo to the email address at the bottom of the Sponsorship Form.
Please visit and thank our festival and race sponsors who will be listed on our main web page, Their support makes the race possible.