Shillelagh Shuffle 5K with Lake Norman Y and Lost Worlds Brewing Co
Sub-events Details
Shillelagh Shuffle 5K
Virtual 5K
Family friendly timed 5K at Lost World's Brewing Co in partnership with the Lake Norman YMCA. Virtual option available for those who can't join for the day of event.
Packet pick up March 12 at Lost Worlds from 4pm-7pm.
Arive at 9:30am for runner check in; Join the warm up at 9:45am and hit the starting line at 10am.
Join us for Coffee from Willow Wood (9am-noon); and after the race for Award Announcements; Prizes; Live Music; Food trucks; Irish Shenanigans
Awards for Top Male & Female Overall and Top Male & Female in each Age Group:
Under 18; 18-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-64; 65 and over
Race Volunteer Opportunities can be found at: