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Sgt. Gonzalez 5K
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Sgt. Gonzalez 5K
ChronoTrack chip timed 5K Run/Walk to honor Sgt. Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez who was fatally shot during a motor vehicle stop on May 6th, 1995. Awards to top 3 males and females and first place male and female in the following age groups: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+.
Event shirt is guaranteed to first 100 participants.
Early registration at Franklin Township Police Department at 1571 Delsea Drive, Franklinville NJ 08322, on or before September 20 for a $5 discount. Simply stop by and ask for a registration form, fill it and submit to any officer along with your registration fee.
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