Running, Beer, and Cake

Running, Beer, and Cake

Apr 16, 2022

past date

Race Distance



Course Type

Point to point

Event Details

Thaddeus Nelson Is Turning 39!

This isn't really a race, but an invitation to join in celebrating my 39th Birthday on April 16th.

The event will start at The Brewer's Collective (1460 N Clinton Ave unit N, Bay Shore, NY 11706) at 12:00 PM. We will party at the brewery, get our running shoes on, and take a ~1.4 mile run to Great South Bay Brewery (25 Drexel Dr, Bay Shore, NY 11706). Once at GSB, we'll get a beer (for hydration), before heading (on foot) ~3.5 miles to Destination Unknown Brewery (1 S Chicago Ave, Bay Shore, NY 11706). Once we are at DUBCO, we'll stop and enjoy another beer (for fuel), before running ~2.9 miles back to The Brewer's Collective for post-run beer and food. We'll hang out and relax after the run (consider bringing a change of clothes unless you prefer sitting in your own filth - you do you!).

What's the Pace?

We will keep things easy - no PR's for this party. Everyone will stay together and take appropriate safety stops at road crossings. This is about fun and stupidity. 

If you only want to run 1 or 2 legs, just park at one of the other breweries and join us midway. You can Uber/Lyft back to your car, or figure out a ride later. 

If you don't want to run (we don't know why anyone wouldn't, but again, you do you!), you can drive and meet us at each brewery or join us at the finish (please still register for this rendezvous so we know who is coming). 

There's Food?

If you need fuel for the run bring some with you - candy corn, an entire side of beef, whatever floats your boat. Snacks should be available at each brewery, too!

We'll have a cake or some other dessert to share at the finish. If you want to bring ,snacks to share, feel free. 

The Fine Print:

This is not a real event (insofar as it is not sanctioned or endorsed by any official running organization - it is real in that it is happening, and we are going to have a jolly good time). It is not insured - don't get hurt (and if you do, that's on you, my friends). It is not affiliated with any of the breweries we will visit, but they will be happy to see us, because beer IS happiness. It is a birthday party open to my friends, friends of friends, and perfect strangers who will soon become friends - anyone who want to do something dumb and fun in the celebration of completing my 39th trip around the sun. 

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Running, Beer, and Cake

Bay Shore, NY, USA

Price starting at:


Countdown to Event Day




