Run for Justice
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Walk
5 Mile Run
5K Run
5K Walk
Get your costumes out and ready for one of Cleveland’s favorite fall events! The Halloween Run for Justice supports the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation’s many “Lawyers Giving Back” pro bono legal services and public outreach initiatives. Programs such as The 3Rs that provide hands-on learning experiences, build empowering, personal connections through mentorship, and deliver law-related education to help Cleveland’s next generation succeed in high school, college, law school and beyond. And the Cleveland Legal Collaborative, an innovative new incubator program that teaches newer attorneys to provide high-quality, affordable legal services to those in need. Your support will provide real help for people caught in the justice gap – those who earn "too much money" to qualify for free legal aid, but not enough to afford a market-rate attorney. All participants receive a long-sleeved race shirt and access to the Zoo for the day. Following the run, we'll celebrate with family-friendly games, a live DJ, refreshments, crafts, face painting and more!
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Run: 5K
Walk: 5K or 1 Mile
Start Times
Registration and packet pick up - 7am
5k and 1 Mile start at 8:30am
Early Packet Pick Up
Friday, October 25 11am - 1pm
Cleveland Metropolitan Conference Center
1375 E 9th Street, Floor 2
Cleveland, OH 44114
$35 before midnight on September 30
$40 starting on October 1.
Team Categories: law firm, organization, law school
All mail-in registrations must be received by Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Mail registration form and entry fee to:
Hermes Sports and Events
2425 West 11th Street, Suite #2
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Checks payable to: Hermes Sports and Events
All participants registered on or before October 11 will receive a long-sleeve Halloween Run shirt. Those registered on or after October 12 will receive a shirt based on availability.
Spectators 2 years old + are invited to purchase a "Cheer Team" pass, allowing for entry into the zoo on race day to watch their loved one participate in the race!
The following will be published on the CMBA website following the event.
Top Three (3) Male and Female runners overall
Top Male and Female runners in the following age categories
10 & Under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-79, 80 and over
Top Lawyer, Top Judge, Top Paralegal/Legal Assistant, and Top Law Student (male and female)
Team Awards - Top teams in these categories: law firm, organization, law school
Best Costume - child, adult, families, couples and teams
For more information, contact Hermes Sports & Events at 216-623-9933