Run 4 Ukraine - The 3rd Annual Scranton 4 Ukraine 5K

Run 4 Ukraine - The 3rd Annual Scranton 4 Ukraine 5K

Scranton, PA
Aug 13, 2022
1 mile / 5K

Sub-events Details

1 mile Fun Walk

1 mile
Aug 13, 2022 (Sat)
5:45 AM
in person

5K Run

Aug 13, 2022 (Sat)
5:00 AM
in person

Event details

***Online registration is now closed. See below for race day registration.***

Please join Scranton 4 Ukraine Association again this year!

This year's Beneficiary is Ukraine TrustChain.

Event will be held at the Scranton Half Marathon Pavilion near 3 W. Olive St across the street from the Scranton Running Company.

The trailhead parking lot on Olive St should be open. Parking is also available at Scranton High School nearby.

Packet Pickup
We will not be having an early packet pick-up this year. Walkers who pre-ordered a shirt and all pre-registered runner, please pick up your packets during the day of the event, August 24, between 7:30am and 8:45am. Look for the sign: “Pre-Registration Sign In”.

Race day registration
Same day registration will be available form 7:30am to 8:45am. Look for the sign: “Same Day Registration.” Same day registration is $25 for runners and $15 for walkers. Registration closes at 8:45am sharp to give our timer enough time to finalize the race lineup.

We will have a limited amount of event shirts available for $10 each. First come, first serve. Look for the sign: “Shirt Shop”. Additional items, including last year’s shirts, will also be available for purchase. Proceeds from this event, including purchased items, will go to this year’s beneficiary, Ukraine TrustChain.

We will have a brief ceremony between 8:45am and the start of the race.

Course Information
The course is out-and-back course on the Lackawanna River Heritage Trail. There will be a traffic cone and a person at the turn-around point. Scranton Police should be on site to hold traffic at the Broadway St intersection.

Runner Information
5K run will start at 9:00am. Please make sure your race bib is displayed on the FRONT of your closing, or your time may not register.

Walker Information
1 mile walk will also start at 9:00am. Please lign-up towards the back behind the runners. Walk will be on the same course as the run with a turnaround at the ½ mile mark. Please walk on the right side of the trail going out, and on the same side (left) coming back. Runners will be coming back on your right and might run you over if you are in their way. Walkers will not be timed and will not receive a race bib.

Medals will be awarded to all finishers of both the 5K run and the 1 mile walk. Be sure to get your medal after crossing the finish line.

Trophies for runners will be awarded to the overall female and male finishers, overall female and male masters (40+) finishers, and to the top 3 female and male finishers in the following age groups: 0-11, 12-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+  Trophies will be presented at approximately 10:00am. Please be patient and wait for the award ceremony. We will try to expedite this the best we can. There will be no duplication of awards. If there are any discrepancies with your finishing time/place, please come see Alex Groysman or Roberta Wywiorksi. Please do not crowd the timing area as it will delay the awards ceremony.

Basket Raffle
We will not be having a basket raffle as part of our 5K this year.

We will have 2 porta-potties on site.

Water will be available at the finish/start area.

Don’t hesitate to e-mail us with any questions.