Rock Your Mocs 5k
Sub-events Details
Rock Your Mocs 5K
Isleta Health Center will be hosting the 10th Annual Rock Your Mocs Virtual 5K. This year is a virtual run which will give you the option to decide when and where to ROCK YOUR MOCS!! This run gives us the opportunity to be a part of Rock Your Mocs in a more intense way...running in those mocs! or maybe walking, dancing...join us and make #isletarockyourmocsrun fun and memorable!
What is Rock Your Mocs?(from emergence productions)
Established in 2011, Rock Your Mocs, is best described as a worldwide Native American & Indigenous Peoples social media unity event held annually and concurrently with November Native American Heritage Month in the USA. During Rock Your Mocs, people wear their moccasins and post them on the internet tagging them with #ROCKYOURMOCS thus creating an online photo album for the world to see and other participants to enjoy.