Robbie Burns 8km Road Race 2022

Burlington, ON, CAN
Mar 20, 2022 (Sun)

Sub-events Details

8K run

Mar 20, 2022 (Sun)
8:00 AM
in person

8K walk

Mar 20, 2022 (Sun)
8:00 AM
in person

Event details

The BRC Board has made the difficult decision to cancel the Robbie Burns Day Race this year due to low registration. Clearly, runners are not comfortable enough to come forward and race yet, as we have less than half as many participants registered this far ahead of race day than we did two years ago. One of the Board's primary responsibilities is to manage our finances in a sustainable way.
Greg Pace, the Robbie Burns race director, and Albert Ngai, the Good Friday Road Race (GFRR) race director will focus on cooperatively organizing the Good Friday Road Races. We hope that runners will be more comfortable with coming out. As well, because this route is along the beach strip and back on the shoulder of the road, the cost of police and pylon services is about 25% of what the cost would have been for the Robbie Burns Race. One of the features that makes Robbie Burns so special is that it is completely on the roads. It requires a lot of police presence.
We all know that as things improve regarding fewer restrictions, etc., some people will be more comfortable gathering than others, and we can't "push the river". Runners will need to be vaccinated, and we will be following all the approved covid protocols, whether or not they're mandated. We hope that encourages runners to come out.
As I tried to get my head around how we can let everyone know about another change without looking disorganized, another Board member said that we've all learned to be a little more flexible, and a little less judgmental over the last two years. The community knows that BRC is a volunteer run, community based non-profit organization, and we are being as transparent as we can in order to continue to have the trust of our members and of the public.
Ginny Megin


Entry to the 2022 Robbie Burns Race is closed - please stand by for more information over the next few days

Winner of "Best Winter Event" by Get Out There Magazine.

This year our goal is to raise $8,000 for


When you hear the bagpipes,
it’s time to toe the line!

Start Time - 8:00 am

Best Costume Award


All participants will be required to show proof of vaccination when picking up the race package. Only the fully vaccinated will be eligible to participate.

BRC retains the right to cancel the race due to insufficient registrations if the overall costs to BRC would severely affect our financial stability. BRC will provide an 80% refund. As a volunteer run, community based non-profit organization, our primary responsibility is to ensure we are fiscally responsible. We expect this to be highly unlikely.

Vaccine Verification: Please note that this will be a fully vaccinated event.

All participants will be required to indicate at the time of registration whether they have, or will have by race day, received two doses of an mRNA vaccine approved by Health Canada. Those who indicate that they are not yet vaccinated will be invited to participate next year. Being fully vaccinated is defined as having received the 2nd vaccine dose 14 days prior to the day of the event, April 15th, 2022. All participants must bring their vaccine verification to race packet pick-up via a vaccine certificate or passport issued by a provincial health authority. As the provincial health guidance is evolving with our current health environment, the Event aims to follow industry best practices as stipulated by Athletics Canada and the IAAF in order to keep all our participants and event staff safe. Thank you for your understanding and support in this regard.

BRC retains the right to cancel the race due to insufficient registrations if the overall costs to BRC would severely affect our financial stability. If this occurs, BRC will issue an 80% refund. As a volunteer-run, community-based non-profit organization, our primary responsibility is to ensure we are fiscally responsible. We expect this to be highly unlikely.

Price starting at:
