RMRR April Trophy Series - 4 mile race at City Park
Sub-events Details
RMRR April Trophy Series Race - Racewalkers
RMRR April 2ndTrophy Series Race - Runners
April is a lovely time to run with RMRR, and the City Park 4 mile run is a great way to celebrate spring. We usually have fabulous spring weather for this run, and it’s fun to run around the park and the zoo. As always, everyone is welcome.
Race Day Details
Time: 9:00 am for the first starters.
Check-in: At the Pavilion. Show up at least 45 minutes early to walk from your car, get your tag and warm up.
Parking: Either in the lot between the zoo and science museum, or S of 17th.
Course: Asphalt roads around Denver's City Park.