The River Rat Run

The River Rat Run

Nov 11, 2023 - Oct 5, 2024

Race Distance



Course Profile


Course Type

Point to point

Event Details

The River Rat Run 5K Returns!


Prepare for an exhilarating challenge as you take on the hills of Hickman, KY.



Event Schedule:


Check-in & Late Registration: 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM
Race Start: 9:00 AM
Awards Ceremony: 10:30 AM



Starting Line:

Fulton County Courthouse



Finish Line:

Fulton County High School



Event Essentials:


Check-in, late registration, and race start at the Courthouse.

On-Site/Late Registration: $25

Pre-registration: T-shirts are guaranteed for those who register online before September 15th ($20 option).

Parking & Shuttles: Limited parking is available at the Courthouse. Participants are encouraged to get dropped off directly at the Courthouse or park at the High School and use the complimentary shuttle service.



Course Overview:


The course begins with a challenging hill, followed by primarily flat terrain and downhill stretches. This is an excellent opportunity to push your limits and aim for a personal best.



Hydration & Nutrition:


Water stations will be available along the route.
Snacks will be provided at the finish line.


Set your pace, enjoy the race, and take in the scenic views of the Mighty Mississippi. We look forward to seeing you at the starting line.

View Map
The River Rat Run

Hickman, KY, USA

Price starting at:


Countdown to Event Day




