Reentry Resource Center’s Rise Up and Run 5K

Reentry Resource Center’s Rise Up and Run 5K

San Jose, CA
Oct 22, 2022

Sub-events Details

Virtual 5K

Oct 22, 2022 (Sat)
12:00 AM

In Person 5K

Oct 22, 2022 (Sat)
8:30 AM
in person

Event details

The County of Santa Clara Reentry Resource Center and its partners are hosting a 5K run/walk to raise money for new clothes for individuals leaving incarceration. The in-person 5K will take place on Saturday, October 26th at Hellyer County Park with a race start time of 9:00AM. Participants who choose the virtual option can run or walk the race on the day and time of their choice between October 26, 2024, and November 2, 2024. Runners will receive a Rise Up and Run race shirt and medal. 
A cell phone app will be available to time each participant’s run or walk and upload their results to the race website. 

Packet pickup information will be coming soon.  

Help support this effort by registering for the race, sponsoring other participants to run or donating to buy new clothes for those reentering our community from jail or prison. Many of these individuals have no clean clothes in which to start their reentry journey.  

Here are some ways you can help:

Register and run the race!
Sponsor a race registration for an individual or a family.
Donate monetarily to buy new clothes for individuals released from custody.
Buy or donate new clothes for reentry clients leaving custody.
Every day at the County of Santa Clara Reentry Resource Center we see clients ready to make dramatic changes in their lives. But having a felony record can be almost as restrictive as being incarcerated. Access to jobs, housing, and other opportunities becomes incredibly limited due to employment and housing restrictions and social stigma. 

Yet despite these challenges, we see clients determined to clear those hurdles. They are taking college credit classes, working their way up from minimum wage jobs to management positions and union apprenticeships and some are entering peer mentoring and counseling professions to help those who are following in their footsteps. 

The Office of Reentry Services is celebrating 12 years of serving our clients in 2024, and you can help support individuals who are just starting this journey to change their lives and share their talents with our community. Each person you help to rise up makes our community stronger. 

If you would like more information about the County of Santa Clara Reentry Resource Center, please visit or email Juan Guevara at

We look forward to partnering with you for social change.