Raise the BARR 5k

Raise the BARR 5k

Fairway, KS
Oct 6, 2023 - Oct 10, 2023

Sub-events Details

Raising the BARR 5k

Oct 06, 2023 (Fri)
12:00 AM
in person

Event details

Raising the BARR to help create stronger, safer and more secure communities where we live and work.


Our annual Raise the BARR 5k will kick-off BARR Belong Foundation Month - a time to highlight the importance of giving back in our local communities. Complete the 5k anytime between Friday, October 4 - Tuesday, October 8.


This is a "5k Your Way", you can walk, run, bike - however you like to move. We encourage you to choose a route that showcases your neighborhood or community and share pictures in the BARR-Belong-Community slack channel. Join together with BARR teammates to complete the 5k, or bring along your family, friends and pets. 

In lieu of an event registration fee, we encourage you to make a donation to an organization that makes your community stronger. 
Your donation, in any amount, can be made through the BARR Matching Gift Program and will be matched $1:$1 by the BARR Belong Foundation
Your donation can be a one time donation or recurring donation made through payroll deduction. 

Raise the BARR 5k is brought to you by the BARR Belong Foundation, BARRbassadors & Mental Health Resource Group.