Pirate Nurse 5K
Sub-events Details
Virtual 5K
In-Person Race 5K
Kids' Run
The Pirate Nurse 5K has become a popular legacy event for current students, and a welcomed opportunity for sponsors to show their support for nursing students. It’s also an opportunity for alumni to re-connect with the College of Nursing and show their support for future Pirate Nurses. In concert with nursing culture, the charitable aspect of the event is integral to the ideal of service, one of the hallmarks of nursing education at the ECU College of Nursing. There will be an in-person race and a virtual option (your choice)!!
The race day registration will end at 8:30am. The Kids' Run will start at 9:00am and the Pirate Nurse 5k will start at 9:15am. Come join us!!!
Individual Registration - $35
ECU Student Registration - $25
Prices increase by $10 after March 21st.
Overall male and female; top two finishes in each age category (divisions of 12 and under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 and up)
T-shirt and other gifts. Registration prices increase and no guaranteed t-shirts after March 21st.
Starts in front of the College and winds through the Medical District and the Health Science Campus, around Laupus Lake and finishes in front of the Health Science Building.