Pi Day 3.14159 mile and 1/2 mile run
Sub-events Details
3.14159 mile without shirt
3.14159 mile with shirt
Youth 1/2 mile without shirt
Youth 1/2 mile with shirt
The Marshall County Running Club (MCRC) invites you to join us for a fun race to celebrate this amazing number. We will have a 3.14159 mile and a 1/2 mile fun run. Entry fee for 3.14159 is $10 per person or $20 if you want a Pi shirt. The Youth 1/2 mile fun run without a shirt is free and with a shirt $10. Fun prizes for multiple age groups. Test your memory with the Pi challenge. Race will be chip timed. If you have any questions please contact mcrcemail@gmail.com. Race will begin and end at the Freyman Shelter inside Centennial Park (1660 North Michigan St.) near the tennis courts at the corner of Becknell Dr and Randolph Dr in the back or east side of Centennial Park.