Photak Marathon

Photak Marathon

Photak, TH
Dec 25, 2022

Sub-events Details


Dec 25, 2022 (Sun)
6:00 AM
in person

Event details

Photak Marathon Race course 42.195km Location of Start All events start at the same location, using the full width of the main road outside Ban Sun Klang School. All events head south from the start line. 2. Location of Finish The finish line is the same location as the start line. The marathon and 10km runners finish from the northern side of the finish line, while the 5km runners finish from the southern side. 3. Elevation (above sea level) Start: 200m approx. Finish: 200m approx. 4. Distance in straight line between start and finish: 0m 5. Terrain: Undulating 6. Surface: Bitumen roads. 7. Course configuration: 10km event is a loop course that does not have any turns that can be adjusted. Marathon event uses the same loop as the 10km event, with additional out-and-back sections at the south end and north end to achieve the required distance. 5km event is a simple out-and-back course 8. Section of road available: All events will be conducted on roads that do not have any physical barriers that prevent runners crossing the road. 9. Line to be taken at turns: Shortest possible route available Final length of event: Marathon = 42.195km Half Marathon = 21.00km 10.0km = 11.017km 5.0km = 5.000km