Pedaling 4 Paige

Pedaling 4 Paige

Syracuse, NY
Mar 25, 2023 - Apr 1, 2023

Sub-events Details

Virtual Spinning Event

Mar 25, 2023 (Sat)
12:00 AM

Event details

An indoor spinning event now in its 9th year, Pedaling 4 Paige is a great way to put your physical, mental and emotional energy towards something much bigger: Raise funds to fight pediatric cancer in Central New York. 

Pedaling 4 Paige will have a virtual event option and live event option. There will only be 28 bikes available for each live session at Elevate Fitness in Dewitt. Register online to spin for 1 hour in honor of children and families who have been touched by a diagnosis of pediatric cancer and other blood disorders. Participants can register for one or up to all three 1 hour sessions led by a cycling instructor.

***There is a $50 minimum fundraising goal for every hour that you spin***

Proceeds from the event benefit the Dr. William J. Waters Center for Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital, Syracuse, New York.