Not Fast, Just Furious Run Club 5K/10K/13.1 ST. PAUL

Not Fast, Just Furious Run Club 5K/10K/13.1 ST. PAUL

Saint Paul, MN
Jul 23, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022
Half Marathon / 10K / 5K

Sub-events Details

Premium Tech Running Shirt Registration (5K/10K/13.1)

Jul 23, 2022 (Sat)
8:30 AM
Run only

Annual Premium Registration (New Shirt Every 4 months, Exclusive Events)

Jul 23, 2022 (Sat)
8:00 AM
Run only

FREE Registration (Virtual Only - Get our Newsletter!)

Half Marathon
Jul 23, 2022 (Sat)
8:30 AM
Run only

Premium Tech Running Shirt Registration (5K/10K/13.1) - CUSTOM NAME

Half Marathon
Jul 23, 2022 (Sat)
8:00 AM
Run only

Event details

For all those who aren’t necessarily the fastest runner but are furious inside. Join this one of a kind Running Club that'll motivate you to keep running, encourage you in your journey, and inspire you to go further than you could've imagined!

How does it work?

1. You can join for free!
2. Every Month, we'll send you a free Newsletter with awesome Running tips and inspirational stories.
3. Check our Deal of the Month page where we post a random FREE item. Everything from running gear, shirts, and really cool swag! All you have to do is share a story, photo, or tip. If we share your story or photo on the page, we'll send you the FREE item!

With the Premium Tech Shirt packets, you'll receive our exclusive Moisture Wicking super light (3.6oz) Running Shirt mailed to you! Bibs are already print on! You can also CUSTOMIZE the print on bib on your shirt with your name!

Sign-up for our Annual Premium Membership ($89/year) anytime and get:
- A New Premium Tech Shirt (Moisture Wicking, Super Light) every 4 months
- Exclusive invitation to small group training runs and/or Running Store events
- 1 Organized Race per year we will sign you up for in YOUR area! 

Our Race Shirt
3.8-ounce, 100% polyester
Ultra breathable, moisture-wicking, & snag-resistant
Premium heathered appearance
Removable tag for comfort


For Premium Memberships, small group runs will be setup during the year led by a group run leader. We'll run through a scenic route together at a location TBD. If you're looking for a 5K near you, a 10K near you, or a half-marathon near you, look no further!

No equipment or setup, just a pure run. You can time yourself through an app or watch and submit your results after.

You're welcome to hangout after and make new friends! 

Important Note** In case there are less than 7 runners, we may postpone the run to a later time until there are at least 7 other runners. No fee for transfer for postponed runs.