Mushroom Cap Half Marathon and FUNGI 5 Miler Event
Sub-events Details
FunGI 5 Miler
Half Marathon
Race Information
Half Marathon
Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Time: 8:00AM
Start Line: Birch and Church Alley
Time Limit: 3.5 Hours from participants start time
Travel through the Mushroom Capital of the world exploring the quaint borough of Kennett Square, quiet neighborhoods, country roads, turn of the century barns, historical Revolutionary War landmarks, and Mushroom Farms.
FunGi 5 Miler
Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Time: 8:00AM
Start Line: Birch and Church Alley
Time Limit: 3.5 Hours from participants start time
This is no ordinary 5 Miler! Experience Kennett Square's mushroom farms, historic homes, landmarks, and quaint streets as you run through city blocks surrounded by live Oak Trees 100+ years old.
Runner Perks
*Register by September 15th to ensure you receive your preferred shirt size. Registrations after September 15th will still include a shirt, but size availability cannot be guaranteed.
Packet Pickup Details
Race week will kick off with two packet pickups!
Wednesday, October 30th 3-6pm @ Philadelphia Runner Glen Mills
Join us at Philadelphia Runner in Glen Mills, Pa for packet pick up, 10% store purchases, complimentary GU Energy Gels, and hydration samples.
Location: 505 Glen Eagle Square, Glen Mills Pa 19342
Friday, November 1st from 5-7PM
Join us in Kennett at The Square for packet pickup, athletic vendors, and pre-race day entertainment.
Location: The Square @ The Race Zone (The New Borough Municipality Parking Lot) 600 South Broad Street, Kennett Square Pa 19348
*Saturday November 2nd (pre-race) from 7:00-7:45am sharp
Race Day packet pickup is limited to out of town runners ONLY. If you are a local runner and pickup your packet on race morning between 7:00-7:45am, there will be a required $10 donation to the Kennett Square Police Department. ID required for pickup.
Friday Night, park within The Square
Saturday refer to race day parking (see below)
Race Pricing
Registration is available online until 7:45am on Saturday, November 2nd. Remember, all packets must be picked up in person before Packet Pick Up closes at 7pm on November 3rd.
Half Marathon
FUNGI 5 Miler
Running as a Team
Have a large group? Interested in starting a Shroomie Team?
Having the support of your shroomies during your training and race is priceless. Regardless of when your teammates register, the entire group will get a $10 refund once your team reaches 10 or more members. The refund will go directly back to the card used to pay for registration. PLUS there’s potential for teams to win extra prizes and deals.
How Does it Work?
When registering you will have the option to Join a Group/Team. All Members of a TEAM are linked by their team name and password. As your team grows, everyone benefits, even those who register first! The system will automatically refund everyone on the team who has already registered and charge the new team members the new rate. Once you hit 10 shroomies, the first 9 to register will automatically receive a $10 refund to their card, and the 10th member (and anyone else who registers after that!) will get the discounted rate automatically. Registrants that do not initially register with their group may not be eligible for refunds or discounts.
Race Parking
For race day, participants and spectators can park in the following lots:
Please note that Kennett High School and The YMCA Lots fill up quickly! The Municipal Lot is approximately 1/2 of a mile from the race start.
Gear Check
Opens @ 7:00AM & Closes @ 12:00pm
Before you line up to run, drop-off your pre-race/post-race clothing and belongings at the Gear Check. While you run, your gear will be held at Gear Check. Participants may pick up their Gear Check bag at Packet Pick Up when you pick up your packet or on race day at the Gear Check tent. The Gear Check tent will be located inside the Square within the post-race party area. Attach your bib number tear-off on your bag before you leave it with the Gear Check crew. After the race, reclaim your checked bag at the designated Gear Check area. Please note: DO NOT leave valuables, cash or jewelry in your gear bag. The event is not responsible for any lost items. Gear bags must be claimed before 12:00 PM on race day.
Course Rules
To ensure the safety and well being of others during the race, please adhere to the following: No dogs, bicycles, roller skates, in-line skates, jogging strollers or unauthorized wheeled vehicles will be permitted on the Half Marathon or 5 Mile course.
If you like to listen to music while you run, for your safety and others’, please be aware of your surroundings.
Minimum age requirements: Half marathon – 14, 5 Miler – 10
Water Stations
Together with the help of our community partners, our water stations bring runners smiles, cheers, high fives, support and nourishment. This year there will be multiple water stations along the half marathon route, with two of them located on the 5 Miler course. Water stations will provide water and electrolytes. Be it zoombies, superheros, or local shroomies cheering you on, this year’s aid stations are guaranteed to rock you on!
There will be port-a-pots at the start/finish of the race and along the half marathon and 5 mile course. Detailed information will be sent to runners prior to race day.
Chip Time
MCHM is using a timing system provided by Fusion Racing . Runners who wish to receive a time must pick up their bib/timing chip from Packet Pick Up on during the scheduled packet pick-up times.
Please ensure the following in order to receive an accurate time:
• Race bib is clearly visible on the front of the torso
• Race bib is unaltered and unmodified (do not fold or wrinkle)
• Race bib is pinned on all four corners
• Race bib is not covered (jackets, runner belts, water bottles, etc.)
Awards will be presented to the participants of the Half Marathon & The FunGI 5 Miler in the following categories:
-Top overall female & male finisher
-Top overall master’s female (40+) finisher
-Top overall master’s male (40+) finisher
Please Note: Overall Winners will be excluded in the Age Group category.
Fresh Local Mushrooms will be awarded to the top 3 males and females in their age groups.
Half Marathon Age Group Awards:
-19 & Under
FunGI Half Marathon Age Group Awards:
Transfer / Deferral / Refund/ Insurance
Run2Shine, the producer of this event, works on this run year-round to ensure a fun and safe environment. Almost all race supplies and services must be purchased well in advance of race day. We have worked hard to make sure there are options available while also being sure we can continue to produce the best quality event year after year.
Race transfers to another runner must be initiated by 9/28 and accepted by 10/5. Transfers will not be allowed after this date. There is a $5.00 transfer fee.
Race transfers from one event to another must be made by 10/5. There is a $10 event to event transfer fee.
Refunds can be processed individually through RunSignUp until 10/5.
We are offering runner insurance. Life happens and can sidetrack even the best laid plans!
Post Race Festival
Location: The Square @ 600 South Broad Street
After passing the finish line, stick around for the Festival to receive your medal, hydrate, find snacks, grub on local delights, stretch, listen to live music, recover in the beer garden! Beer Garden opens at 9:00am & gates close at 1:00pm
Charity Partners
Run2Shine, a non-profit 501(c)(3), was started in 2015 by local avid runners, Karen DiMascola, Kara Gibbons & Sarah Nurry. Runners who love running as much as they love giving. Together with the help of their community, Run2Shine produces The MCHM, an annual racing event that brings over 3000 people into Kennett Square celebrating all things running, mushrooms, health, community and giving. To date, Run2Shine has donated $75,00 to local charitable partners that support members of local Chester County communities through advocacy, education, health, and aid to families in need.
Run2Shine is excited to offer the opportunity for non-profit organizations to utilize our event for your fundraising purposes.
For more information on our Run4Good Program, please email us.