Moonlight Meltdown 5k and Sunset Safari 10k Hybrid/Crossover Trail Run
Sub-events Details
Sunset Safari 10k Hybrid/Crossover Trail Run
Sunset Safari 10k Hybrid/Crossover Trail Run
Moonlight Meltdown 5K
Moonlight Meltdown 5K
Welcome to the 12th Annual Moonlight Meltdown 5k/10k. Brought to you by The Snow Runners LTD & Belgium Fire and Rescue Dept.
Come run or walk with us this spring for our 5k run/walk through the streets of Belgium, or try out our Trail Run! This year's event will be staged at Kyote's Bar and Grill (formerly Bic's Place) in Belgium. All proceeds go towards Belgium Fire and Rescue Dept., Rocket Academy and Snow Runners Ltd. This 5k road race takes you through the streets of Belgium or try the Trail Run that will take you down to Harrington Beach State Park - with a 1.2 mile jaunt on our snowmobile trail through the park! It all finishes back at Kyote's with a post race party. Each runner receives a Custom Race T-shirt and food/drink following the race. There will also be some cash raffles to follow! Come be part of the 12th Annual Moonlight Meltdown!