Moonlight Bootlegger 5k - Northville, MI
Sub-events Details
When we first started doing this event, we thought it was cool, but we were not sure anyone else was going to show up! Since then thousands of people have enjoyed the amazing tealight lit night trails, awesome bluegrass music, and refreshing cocktails at the Metro Detroit Moonlight Bootlegger 5K! Just like our bootleggin’ ancestors, see if you can make it through the moonlit woods to get to the stompin’ grounds, where you can enjoy moonshine and flatfoot it to live music.
For those new to Bootleggin', this race takes place after dark. Athletes must have a headlamp or flashlight. The trails at Maybury are amazing, and mostly free of roots to trip on. We will put out 300+ tea lights along the trail so you know which way to go! When you're done running, enjoy two moonshine cocktails or mocktails and live music for athletes at the finish line!