Miles for Mouths... Fill the Pantry!

Miles for Mouths... Fill the Pantry!

Anywhere, IL
Oct 16, 2021

Sub-events Details

Miles for Mouths... Fill the Pantry!

Oct 16, 2021 (Sat)
2:00 AM

Event details

Please join our virtual race... Miles for Mouths to raise money for the All Saints Food Pantry! The All Saints Food Pantry, operated at 1585 N. Rand Road is an agency for the Greater Chicago Food Depository serving the northwest suburbs in Cook County.  The food pantry anticipates needing up to $3,500 a month  to be able to provide food for families. We have also added a new support to the community... a MOBILE Food Truck. The goal of this is to bring food to families who cannot get to the pantry.  This new endeavor can use all the help you are willing to provide!  The pantry is in need of the following items: Rice, Black Beans (dry or canned), Pinto Beans (dry or canned), Garbanzo Beans, Tomato Products, Corn, Macaroni & Cheese, Peanut Butter , Jelly (grape or strawberry), Cereal (kid friendly).

On October 16th, go out and walk, run, choose the TIME and the DISTANCE wearing your Miles for Mouths shirt to show participation and support! Set and reach your own personal or family goal! Information about how to share your participation with others will be shared via email with all participants closer to the event! 

The fee will be $20 to participate... the cost includes a t-shirt and the rest goes to the food pantry. For children ages 9 and under, please give a $5 donation and email Michelle at to let me know the t-shirt size they need. Contact free T-shirt pick up will be on Wednesday, October 13 from 5-7 pm  in the parking lot of All Saints Lutheran Church at 630 South Quentin road. If you can not pick your shirt up during that window please email Michelle at to make alternate arrangements! 

If you are only interesting in making a monetary or food donation, you can donate through this website OR drop off food pantry donations on Saturday, October 16 from 11:00-1:00 in the parking lot at All Saints Church in Palatine  in our Fill the Truck event!